Why hasn’t my social marketing campaign worked?

Posted by TeamPC on 16 Aug 2017

Why hasn’t my social marketing campaign worked?

You’ve done your research, outlined your objectives, written a stunning ITT, found your ideal social marketing partner, implemented phase 1 and things aren’t right.  Worse still, this is phase 2 and you don’t feel that the scheme is meeting your objectives. 

It’s easy to spot a problem before it escalates

The good news is that with any social marketing plan, given there are often multiple phases involved and post completion reviews planned, there is plenty of time to evaluate effectiveness, so if there is a problem, you can deal with it. 

Encourage your agency to go the extra mile!

Remember that you should always be able to evaluate progress against your original brief, to ensure it remains focused on the original aims and objectives.  This level of review should avoid unnecessary problems and ensure your campaign remains on track.

Be clear what you want and expect from your agency, so they don’t lead you down another pathway that is not based on hard evidence, or what you want.

If problems occur, a frank and honest dialogue between you and your agency is required to establish how to solve issues.  If you have chosen to work with the right partner, they will already be concerned about progress, and be armed with ideas and suggestions for tackling problem areas.

The best social marketing agencies are full of resolve

Whether your project hasn’t met your objectives because of the use of the marketing mix, it has deviated away from your original brief, has been ineffectively targeted, or it just failed to connect with your audience’s mindset at the time, there’s always a solution – and that solution lies with your social marketing agency.

Any agency worthy of your business will know what to do, when to do it and how to approach the next phase. Whether you’re working with a healthcare advertising agency, London or somewhere else across the UK, it’s so important to trust in your agency’s capabilities and experience.

We’re Perfect Circle – an open and honest social marketing agency that delivers life changing behavioural change campaigns.

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