Which innovations have been applied to the social marketing approach?

Posted by TeamPC on 23 Aug 2017

Which innovations have been applied to the social marketing approach?

Innovation is hugely important in any business or industry.  To embrace it, is to move on. To disregard it, is a definite mistake.

In the context of social marketing, new innovation linked to positive social partnerships, can produce great things and better outcomes for people, for communities and for society at large, even in the most difficult of

Advances are fuelled by what is made possible with intelligent technology

Fuelled by technology and advances in behavioural and social theories and the latest research techniques, social marketing is one of those innovations that are constantly moving on.

What’s new in social marketing? 

Recent advances in automated marketing software, now mean that faceless visitors to your website can be profiled, so that you can purpose-design social marketing approaches to meet their unique needs.

Over time, as you analyse browsing history, internet usage and frequency of use etc, you will be able to avoid a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, with more potential for successful behavioural change.

Personalising the customer experience

Automation is proving to be a cost-effective and efficient way of delivering relevant online content.  It avoids pushing data toward people that don’t really want it, and stands a greater chance of making a connection that inspires and motivates change. 

Once set up, it saves time, re-channels your resources and makes better use of finance – all at the push of a button.  From tailored blogs, to joining topical webinars and receiving health or education inspired booklets, automated marketing, when used responsibly by an open and honest social marketing agency like Perfect Circle, a behaviour change, health and charity marketing agency, London and in Manchester, can streamline a behavioural campaign and make it a success.

There are many in the industry that believe that tailored, automated marketing approaches are the future of social marketing as we know it, and we tend to agree with that train of thought!

We’re Perfect Circle – an open and honest social marketing agency that delivers life changing behavioural change campaigns.

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