What KPIs should I use when measuring behaviour change marketing?

Posted by TeamPC on 13 Aug 2017

What KPIs should I use when measuring behaviour change marketing?

In business, any key performance indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively your campaign (or project) has performed in relation to your objectives or goals.

Generally speaking these are used to measure the level of success, against predetermined criteria.  And that’s no different when it comes to measuring the effectiveness of a public health marketing intervention, despite the fact that you are judging the level of behaviour change that you have targeted.

The key difference with social marketing is that you are measuring the short, medium and long-term change in people’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviours.

Measuring behaviour change: the mechanics

The KPIs (or measurements) for any social marketing project are typically agreed early on, at the development stage of a scheme. Depending on the nature of the project (ie: scoping), quarterly evaluations and perhaps yearly reports will be used too, to track and monitor ongoing progress.  There could also be external evaluation if you wish. 

This level of monitoring is hugely important to the future success of the project, its direction and to measure the overall success of the approach taken.

Any project must be evaluated against a set of KPIs, whether that’s judging the number of referrals to a drug clinic, registrations for a healthy heart exercise webinar, or simply assessing the number of people that have downloaded a healthy eating premium content piece.

In the case of the latter, given it might take a number of years to encourage people to change their habits, KPIs may span a number of years given there will be different levels of approach, uptake and a variable response over time.

Don’t forget that KPIs can also extend to the actual process of the intervention

Your review and evaluation, should also extend to the original objectives, the methods used, the outcomes identified and recommendations for further action.  It’s only then that you can claim that your social marketing project has been an overriding success.

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