What is the ‘Total Process Planning Model’ (for social marketing)?

Posted by TeamPC on 15 Jun 2017

What is the ‘Total Process Planning Model’ (for social marketing)?

The marketing industry is good at labelling things.  If you haven’t heard of the Total Process Planning Model (for social marketing campaigns), you could, therefore, be forgiven.

What is the Total Process Planning Model?

Social marketing campaigns have 5 core elements.  These are (1) The scope, (2) Development (3) Implementation (4) Evaluation and (5) Follow-up. This is known as the Total Process Planning Model.

Spend time defining clear, measurable goals

(1) The scope

The scope is an essential part of the success of your social marketing intervention. Before a scheme or strategy can be conceived, clear, measurable and actionable goals need to be set, alongside the audience segments that you wish to target.

Many different techniques can be used to define your project’s scope. This might include: consultation with stakeholders and experts, scrutiny of existing research, preliminary and secondary research (quantitative and qualitative) and so on.

(2) Development

Once you’ve segmented your audience, targets and priorities and decided what specific research methods you are going to use, there is a need to develop and test out activities that are most likely to create behaviour change. This is known as the development stage.

(3) Implementation

Social marketing uses a mix of methods to prompt and facilitate behaviour change in people and communities.  This includes: awareness and education, support and control and design techniques.

(4) Evaluation

Evaluation is an important part of each stage of your social marketing activity.  It can set the parameters for future social marketing initiatives and programmes, provide exact data for analysing ROI, etc.

(5) Follow-up

Recognising that people go through different stages of behaviour change over time, it’s important to set some key parameters for follow-up.  Once you know how successful initial social marketing initiatives have been, you can then move on to the next stage.

Undertaking and applying a social marketing approach as a dedicated intervention, takes systematic planning, staged activities, ongoing review and follow up, if sustained behavioural change is to be achieved, and your goals met.

We’re Perfect Circle – an open and honest social marketing agency that delivers behavioural change for its customers.  Visit us online at perfect-circle.co.uk

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