What is the new secret weapon in business?

Posted by TeamPC on 9 Mar 2014

A massive technological shift is occurring in the way businesses communicate and 95% of businesses are unaware of both the opportunity and the threat that this presents to their business.

The pressures of day to day life mean that your customer’s time is precious and when browsing online they need to access, process and consume information as quickly as possible. The quickest way for them to consume content online is through video, and customers are over 600% more likely to respond to video than to printed or written media. Wharton Business School

So the question is, does your website have video content and if it doesn’t can you afford your competitors to beat you to it? The answer holds massive implications for your business.

Will your business suffer if you don’t update your website now or can you wait? Today, our society functions in the mobile communications. The term 3G stands for Third Generation of wireless technologies. It is mostly used with mobile phones and laptops as a means to wirelessly connect to the internet. At the moment though, 3G technology is pretty limited and slow, it functions on location based services and as a result users frequently incur signal interruptions, making video viewing via a mobile phone, laptop or tablet sometimes more inefficient and frustrating than reading text.

However, a revolution is here, in the form of 4G, which is the Fourth Generation of wireless technologies. 4G launched in the UK in the first half of 2012 and the world network spectrum is now cleared and readily available.

For the first time the wireless network is faster than the landline network; in fact, it is light years faster! This new technology is changing the way people choose to work and choose to consume content.  Online videos will become undoubtedly the quickest way to access and absorb information; it will become the norm for businesses to have meetings via video calls, to connect to their customers through remote exhibitions and bespoke conferences, all with seamless connectivity and mobility.  However, the most revolutionary concept for those businesses that embrace online video will be the mass market reach offered to them by Smart TV.

What is Smart TV and when will it arrive? Smart TV is simply a TV that can connect to the internet and it’s already here!!! In fact, Samsung have been continually developing a ‘Smart TV’ since it was first launched in 2008.  Samsung currently sells two Smart TV’s every second and it has been predicted that of all TV’s shipped in 2014 almost half will be Smart. This trend is worth noting for businesses, as those organisations that have websites with high quality video content, will essentially have their own TV channel that can be watched by anyone with a Smart TV.  Not everyone has the latest IPad or Mobile Phone, but everyone has a TV, therefore with video content on your website you will enter the living room of all your potential customers worldwide!

So, businesses that steal a march on their competitors by integrating video into their websites in an effective way will map the rewards of increased customer engagement and greater market share.

Video is the best way to ensure that your business leads the field in the new era of 4G technology. As the internet develops so will video and the benefits for business will multiply.

Perfect Circle is the leading expert in developing internet TV platforms for commercial business. If you would like to find out more about how video can transform your business then contact us at Perfect Circle.

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