What does a social marketing intervention look like?

Posted by TeamPC on 14 Jul 2017

What does a social marketing intervention look like?

Social marketing interventions take many different forms and guises, but they are all designed to do one thing – to promote positive behaviour change, leading to lifestyle and health benefits, for individuals, communities and society at large.

Currently at work across different industries, social marketing projects and campaigns tackle wide-ranging social issues, from widespread littering and better personal health management, to making intelligent education decisions and aiming high in life and work. 

Taking many different forms, but with a common goal

To demonstrate what a social marketing intervention could look like, here’s an example of a beacon project fronted by Nottingham Forest Football Club (Foundation).UK football clubs are active in delivering a range of social marketing projects that benefit their wider community and supporters. 

Designed to give something back to their supporters, they promote a range of social projects to young and old alike.

Football is a powerful tool and catalyst for inspiring behaviour change

The power of football continues to be used to improve people’s health and wellbeing and provide increased opportunities to develop individual education and career prospects. 

Showcasing their work with different communities

Nottingham Forest Community Trust recently hosted sessions with community groups (schools, colleges) at the Forest Sports Zone, as part of the EFL Community Day of Action. The event is an opportunity for community trusts across the UK to showcase their work with different communities.

The main theme across NFCT’s projects is inclusion. Through various social marketing projects delivered in conjunction with their social marketing consultants, they aim to inspire people through multi-sports, not just football.  This helps participants to improve their lives by taking part in programmes focused on health and wellbeing, education, community outreach and other projects.

Benefiting entire communities – inspiring people to change

Benefiting all those that take part, these are beacon projects that demonstrate the vast potential for use of social marketing in sports.

We’re Perfect Circle – an open and honest social marketing agency that delivers life changing behavioural change campaigns.  Visit us online at perfect-circle.co.uk

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