Marketing with a social conscience

Posted by TeamPC on 23 Jan 2017

Marketing with a social conscience

Do you ever think about the consequences of your actions?  Just lately, there’s been a major shift back to social responsibility.  And why not… if we all cared a bit more about the social consequences of our actions, perhaps we could all live in a better world.

Evidence is mounting

When it comes to marketing, there is much evidence supporting the fact that social marketing can have a dramatic influence on people’s lifestyles, choices and behaviour.

Is social marketing just another label?

Generally speaking, the marketing industry is quick to use terms that people don’t fully understand - USP, CMS and CPA – there are lots of acronyms and labels that are to be frank confusing.

Social marketing can change our behaviour

Social marketing campaigns on the other hand, do what they say on the tin!  A targeted campaign, with the right content and delivery, can influence opinions, instigate lifestyle change and really start to influence our social behaviour - in positive ways.

Marketing with a social conscience has to be the way forward and there more social marketing health and social marketing education specialists out there that genuinely do care about the outcome of what they are doing, and can see the potential that social marketing has to make a difference.

The healthcare industry has many examples of how marketing with a social conscience can impact on the quality of people’s lives.

There are a growing number of healthcare marketing companies, specialising in social marketing, that are delivering truly exceptional results for the NHS and other healthcare providers. From creating better awareness of health topics, to promoting new medical services, healthier lifestyles and good choices and personal habits, a social marketing campaign can tackle society’s health issues at grass roots level and, over time, lead to a real change in individuals and communities at greatest risk.

Is marketing with a social conscience the way forward?  Absolutely!

Social marketing is a proven way of delivering behavioural change.  It’s now down to the industry to take it to another level.  And that starts with creating greater awareness of what is possible.  Do you know a good social marketing agency?

Who are we?  We’re Perfect Circle - an award-winning social marketing agency, Manchester that delivers positive behavioural change across the UK.  Visit our website to find out more about our work.

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