Legal Highs & Oxfordshire County Council

Posted by TeamPC on 14 Jun 2016

Legal Highs & Oxfordshire County Council

‘Legal Highs’ are substances designed to imitate the effects of classified drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy. They are available on the highstreet and online, as ‘Legal’ Highs’ cannot be sold for human consumption they are usually sold as bath salts, plant food and research chemicals. The Centre for Social Justice estimates that by 2016 there will be around 400 deaths a year from legal highs, more than heroin!

As one of the UK’s leading social marketing communications agencies, Perfect Circle was chosen by Oxfordshire County Council to develop a high profile and forward thinking marketing campaign to raise awareness about Legal Highs to 16-24 year olds in Oxfordshire.

With an increase in availability year on year, alongside the rise in hospital admissions and reported fatalities, Legal Highs are starting to have a real and negative impact on the lives of more and more young people.

The vision behind our campaign was simple – we wanted parents, carers, young people and those working with groups of youngsters who are most at risk, to understand the concerns *sensored word - inappropriate language* with taking ‘legal highs’ and to dispel the myth that because they’re known as ‘legal’, they are safe!

Through promotion, improved awareness and targeted education, the ‘Game of Chance’ campaign is helping to put all those at potential risk in a better position to make sensible lifestyle decisions, as well as sharing what they know with their friends.

You can follow the innovative Game of Chance campaign on Facebook and Twitter

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