How social marketing has benefited the healthcare sector

Posted by TeamPC on 7 Feb 2017

How social marketing has benefited the healthcare sector

Whether it’s waiting periods, transfer delays, or failure to recoup costs, the healthcare sector gets lots of bad press.  For years though, the NHS has been using effective social marketing campaigns to initiate and sustain behaviour change in ‘at risk’ communities. This is one success story that deserves a mention.

Tackling health inequalities across society

Some would say that our society is trapped in a downward spiral.  With more people abusing their bodies through poor diet, taking recreational drugs, drinking excessively etc, there is a real need for effective health marketing strategies to tackle some of the root causes. 

The fact that we are all living longer and in need of additional care in our twilight years, is also creating greater demands on the NHS.  All of these factors added together, along with the sheer number of people using our healthcare system, is causing it to break. 

The NHS in conjunction with various health partners, is successfully working with leading social marketing agencies to tackle some deep rooted health and lifestyle problems.  This has proven to be a very effective way of motivating people to change their behaviour. 

How does social marketing work?

So just how does the NHS deliver successful social marketing campaigns that get to the heart of why people behave as they do? 

Well, social marketers use different communication channels, social media, digital and mobile technologies, community outreach, alongside traditional marketing services, to deliver the key messages. But it’s not just how it’s delivered, it’s who gets it and how services are joined up. 

Using the latest customer segmentation, targeting and insight techniques, social marketing creates a framework for understanding different behaviours, and how people can be motivated to respond and change. 

It is taking time because the challenges are great, but the healthcare sector is full of positive social marketing campaigns that continue to make a difference. 

From promoting responsible sexual behaviour and the dangers of legal highs, to high profile initiatives to get women engaged in sport and men’s to recognise mental health issues, social marketing is changing lives – for the better.

Social marketing is a powerful tool.  Could it help the NHS to deal with some of its big issues?  We like to think so. 

Who are we?  We’re Perfect Circle - an award-winning social marketing agency, Manchester that delivers positive behavioural change across the UK.

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