How do you inspire behavioural change in young people?

Posted by TeamPC on 27 Aug 2017

How do you inspire behavioural change in young people?

A decade ago, parents were making all of the decisions for their young ones, certainly until they reached 16.  Young people have changed – and that’s because society has changed, families are different, and the demands of modern living have escalated.  Fuelled perhaps by the arrival of social media and the digital age, young people are now quite different! 

Social marketing is a behavioural change technique

More and more sectors are choosing to use social marketing campaigns to deliver messages to individuals, communities and at risk groups, across different age groups – young people are one of those. 

Pioneered by the healthcare sector as part of its public health marketing strategy, social marketing is designed to improve health outcomes, by promoting positive ‘health prevention’ messages; it gets to the heart of people’s behaviour, and then attempts, to influence that behaviour, leading to lifestyle benefits and improved health.

How do you connect with a young person?

Social marketing education campaigns too take many different forms.  How you approach a 50+ male target is quite distinct to how you approach a teenager, in terms of how they communicate, what they respond to, etc.

Positive role models

Premier league football clubs have started to use social marketing to inspire ambition and achievement in young people.  Positive role models like recognised football players, managers, and others associated with premier league clubs, are highly influential in connecting with those interested in sport and specific clubs. 

A video, presentation or keynote speech delivered by someone that youngsters look up to, can greatly influence how a young person reacts.  This type of social marketing has been successful for clubs like the Liverpool and Manchester United Foundations.

From challenging a youngster to aim high in work and sport, to warning them about smoking, drinking and drug taking, positive role models, combined with the right marketing tools, can reach young people and inspire them to go on and do great things – things they never dreamt were possible.

We’re Perfect Circle – an open and honest social marketing agency that delivers life changing behavioural change campaigns.

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