How can Video Content be Used Across the Funnel in Social Marketing?

Posted by Marketing & PR on 23 Feb 2018

How can Video Content be Used Across the Funnel in Social Marketing?

Video content can be used to attract 3x more visitors to your website. Video content is easy to digest and visually stimulating and is one of the most effective ways to communicate with your target audience to change behaviours.

The ability to get your key messages across quickly and engage your audience makes video content perfect for Social Marketing campaigns.

Video content is often seen as extra content that breaks up text heavy content, but video should be integral to your overall Social Marketing strategy and when executed well it is an effective tool to not only attract your target audience but also help them progress along the funnel. 

65% of people visit the website after viewing a video (source comScore)

There are many ways that video marketing can be used as part of your content marketing and inbound marketing strategies for your Social Marketing campaign to help progress your target audience along the funnel and help them to take action to make positive behaviour change.

When planning your video marketing strategy for your Social Marketing campaign you should consider the types of video content you will use at each stage of the funnel to attract, convert, close and delight your audience.

Let’s take a look at each stage of the funnel and how video content could be used at each stage to improve the results of your Social Marketing campaign.

Using video content to attract

The first stage is to attract an audience and raise awareness of your Social Marketing campaign. This is the top of your funnel and you should consider creating video content such as explainer videos and how-to-content that address the problems of your target audience and introduce the actions they can take to make a positive change.

Using video content to convert

This is the next stage of the funnel, you have gained an audience and raised awareness of your Social Marketing campaign but now you should consider how you will get them to take action towards a positive behaviour change. The types of video content that can be used in the convert stage include case studies and webinars.

Using video content to close

Video content is often overlooked at this phase, but it can be an effective way of helping your audience make the decision to change their behaviour, whether that is to give up smoking or make healthier lifestyle choices. Consider using video content such as testimonials and personalised videos to help your audience visualise themselves after the change i.e. as a non-smoker or as a healthier person.

Using video content to delight

It is at this stage you can help keep your audience on track with their new behaviours and make them feel positive about the changes they have made. Doing so will help increase their loyalty to your campaign and encourage them to tell their connections about the campaign. This could include video content that is motivational and also congratulates them on how far they have come, as well as testimonials that show other peoples experiences.

Our expertise

We are passionate about developing relevant Social Marketing approaches that bring about positive behavioural change – on a small scale, big scale, immediately, over time - not possibly, but definitely!

Whether we’re encouraging learning opportunities in education, promoting positive recycling or discouraging people from smoking in favour of taking more regular exercise, our approach identifies the best way of marketing ideas and initiatives to bring about positive lifestyle change.

Within our team, we have leading nationally recognised academic professionals within Psychology, Mental Health and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that advise what messages and mediums will deliver the best response when we scope out a communications campaign or deliver any targeted communications.

This provides our clients with the reassurance and confidence of knowing that their communication objectives are underpinned by recognised academic behavioural theory, executed with award-winning creative design and using the latest communication tools, whether it’s on a local, regional or national project.

Watching a successful social marketing approach deliver positive behavioural change makes us want more – for our customers, for our communities and for our world.

If you’d like our help on your next Behaviour Change Marketing or Social Marketing campaign, then we’d love to hear from you. Please visit our contact page and get in touch.

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