How can I deliver a social marketing intervention?

Posted by TeamPC on 17 Jul 2017

How can I deliver a social marketing intervention?

A behavioural change marketing agency specialises in scoping, designing, delivering, monitoring and reviewing social marketing interventions.

While agencies understand how to apply different aspects of the marketing mix, they also have a broad knowledge of modern social marketing sciences, behavioural change strategies, how to develop behavioural insights, etc.  This specific expertise helps to deliver effective social marketing interventions that lead to life-changing outcomes.

Just another marketing agency?

But is a social marketing agency just another creative business that goes by that name when it needs to?  We don’t think so. Delivering a successful social marketing intervention involves many different skills.  Projects require careful execution, direction and ongoing monitoring over time.  Some projects are started and completed in, say, 12 months, but others could roll on for many years. 

From initial development of policy, strategy (including setting of clear behaviour goals and definition of behavioural insights etc), to customer orientation, implementation, delivery, monitoring and evaluation, your social marketing agency will guide you through the process and ensure that they develop a marketing framework that delivers against your expectations and goals. 

Social marketing agencies need to be ambitious, bold and imaginative.  Is yours?

Social marketing campaigns are unique, often driven by technology, but always focused on connecting with people in bold and imaginative ways.

Your success is in their hands

The success of your social marketing revolves around the parameters and framework that your agency suggests and that takes creativity, fresh thinking and lots of imagination.

We just love social marketing

If you’re searching for a behaviour change marketing agency, London, or someone to handle a UK-wide social marketing project, then Perfect Circle is regarded as a market leader and pioneer in this field.  A bold statement you might think, but then bold is what you need to be in this industry!

We’re Perfect Circle – an open and honest social marketing agency that delivers life changing behavioural change campaigns.  Visit us online at

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