Does a successful social marketing campaign just come down to price?

Posted by TeamPC on 3 Jul 2017

Does a successful social marketing campaign just come down to price?

Money doesn’t grow on trees – that’s a shame.  But things do have a price and it’s down to each individual to make their own choices when it comes to buying services and products. 

Too many businesses focus on buying the least expensive option

Purchasing decisions in business are no different.  If you can find something like a marketing agency, for instance, that can provide their services a bit cheaper than the business down the road, it’s tempting.  Marketing budgets are always being squeezed.

Stop. Think. Then Decide.

But before you sign on the dotted line, stop and think. While going for the cheapest option might save you a bit of money in the short-term, this could prove to be a risky strategy. 

Cheap does not always equal best.  The thing you have to bear in mind, and this is particularly the case with social marketing campaigns and agencies, is that it’s not about working with the cheapest agency, it’s about which one can deliver your behavioural change campaign – and I mean really deliver results. 

Bear in mind too that many social marketing education, healthcare and sports campaigns, are not conceived, designed and delivered in the short term.  In some cases, but not all, it can take months, if not years, to motivate people to change their behaviours, and then to sustain that change, so they don’t fall back into old ways.

An investment in people, in communities, in futures

Social marketing invests in futures – individuals, communities and society at large.  While each campaign is designed to do different things, in line with underlying objectives and expectations, changing lives – positively changing lives – is something that, to be honest, is difficult to price.

So if you’re in the market for a social marketing agency, look beyond the price tag. What lurks beneath the surface like the people, their social marketing experience, client base and creativity, are actually equally, if not more, important.

We’re Perfect Circle – an open and honest social marketing agency that delivers life changing behavioural change campaigns.  Visit us online at

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