Can I use video as part of my social marketing campaign?

Posted by TeamPC on 4 Jul 2017

Can I use video as part of my social marketing campaign?

According to the latest research, we prefer to consume video content – on the go, at home, at the office – everywhere and anywhere.  Video is easy to watch and very entertaining.  So why do so many of us prefer video, and can it play a useful part in delivering behavioural change, as part of a planned social marketing campaign?

We all love to consume video

According to the latest stats, during 2017, online video will account for 74% of all online traffic. 

Video is easy to watch, and as WIFI access has improved, films are even easier to stream and download.  Videos are entertaining, inspiring, informative and above all else, we remember what we see.  This all points to the fact that video is an exceptionally powerful marketing tool. 

Given the growth in popularity of video, and recognising that this popularity is likely to grow, more social marketing agencies are now using film as part of the marketing mix when delivering social marketing projects.  From self-help guides, to case studies, testimionials and more - videos have the power to make an emotional connection. 

When you are trying to connect with someone, it makes sense to use technology that they both prefer and expect.

That certainly is the case with behavioural change campaigns. The content of a video might sometimes be quite challenging; equally it might be inspiring or motivate someone to act. But of if film strikes a chord with someone and makes an impression, it can lead to positive and widespread behaviour change.

Video is a responsive technology

The way communication works these days is that: the easier it is to connect and respond, the more likely people will take up an offer.

Video is a very useful way of delivering elements of your social marketing project.  Film is a universal platform that people like, tend to respond to and are prepared to share with others.  Start talking to your social marketing company about the possibilities.

We’re Perfect Circle – an open and honest social marketing agency that delivers life changing behavioural change campaigns.  Visit us online at

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