Can football change our world?

Posted by TeamPC on 15 Jun 2017

Can football change our world?

If you had tuned in to Radio 4 recently, you may have heard Andrea Cooper, Head of Liverpool’s Football Club Foundation talking about why she believes the game can change our world.  The question is how?

Football is a big deal

So what is it about football that makes it so popular? Well, firstly it gives you a sense of purpose, a great feeling about being part of something worthwhile, and, of course, leads to a sense of achievement. 

The energy and passion that it instils in young people permeates into peoples’ lives and has a broader impact on lifestyles, choices and behaviours.

Andrea explained that most avid LFC supporters want their club to stand for something. They want it to make a difference in the community, to impact on lives and to be recognised for its contribution in our world.

When asked about what social issues supporters wanted to be associated with, they were clear. They want LFC to be associated with children and young people – particularly their health, welfare and education, leading to better life chances.

The Foundation has a range of social marketing education programmes aimed at young people, destined to improve their life chances.  One of these is the Employability Scheme, designed to encourage local youngsters to aim high when it comes to work and learning.

Collective action on causes of social significance

People listen to LFC and Andrea thinks that there is enormous potential to create a worldwide fan movement, capable of delivering wider social improvement schemes across the globe – benefiting children and young people. One example of a recent LFC social marketing initiative was a programme designed to improve awareness of the benefits of immunisation in third-world countries, among teenage boys. 

But it’s not just the LFC Foundation that has the power to change and influence lives. Other premier league clubs too are taking action and reaching out.

Social campaigns that make a difference

As social marketing agencies continue to deliver life-changing programmes for the likes of premier league clubs, there is no doubt people-based marketing works. 

Most recently, Perfect Circle has delivered a project for the Manchester United Foundation, designed to boost aspirations and healthy living among inner-city boys, and for Oxford United challenging the use of legal highs.

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