Are the best behaviour change marketing agencies, based in London?

Posted by TeamPC on 1 Sep 2017

Are the best behaviour change marketing agencies, based in London?

London is a hive of industry. It’s where Government is based, decisions are made, and many businesses decide to base their HQ.  Affluence is high, salaries even higher and people generally go there for the fast pace of life.  But is it a generalisation to suggest that only the best social marketing agencies herald from/are based in London?

What about us?

For a social marketing agency like us based up North, it’s sometimes difficult to compete with those down South.  This is why we decided to open a London office.

But what is it about North and South that makes such a difference?  Well, to be honest, nothing.  It’s geography.  There are certainly a lot of big businesses with some big ideas in the capital.  But that’s not to suggest where you are based makes you different.

For many years, Northern social marketing agencies have led the field and set the standard in behavioural change marketing.  It’s also fuelled investment in the South.

Geography is a detail, not a sign of capability or performance

If you’re looking for a social marketing business and are seeking a ‘best in class’ approach, you need to start thinking through what experience you need, rather than where they are based. 

Some London based agencies (and we’re not one of them), will charge London rates.  That means you’ll pay more for the same level of service whether delivering a public health intervention, or dynamic sports campaign.

All in all, in comes down to ability to deliver, experience and price - and, of course, the people!  If you get on with the people and you believe and trust in their capabilities, then that is a good start.

Experience counts – got any good social marketing examples?

Wherever you are in the country, the world is a smaller place these days, and while the bright lights of London agencies might tempt you, don’t be blinded by geography – experience counts too.

North or South?  Give us a call.

We’re Perfect Circle – an open and honest social marketing agency that delivers life-changing behavioural change campaigns.

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