£8m of DoH funding to help cut local cancer deaths

Posted by TeamPC on 22 Feb 2010

The Department of Health is providing £8m for PCTs across England to fund campaigns to raise the profile of the UK’s three biggest cancer killers – breast, bowel and lung cancer. Between them these forms of the disease account for 63,400 of the 155,000 cancer deaths in the UK each year.

PCTs will be able will be able to bid up to £100,000 to spend on advertising campaigns, outreach work, and ensuring that more information about these cancers are available. These campaigns are to urge people to report tell tale signs of cancer to their GP in an attempt to reduce the 10,000 deaths caused by late diagnosis of the disease each year.

As a social marketing agency with a proven track record working with PCTs, we can provide you with the support you require to access the available funds.

The support package includes a strategic social marketing proposal and utilises the support of leading nationally recognised professionals within Psychology, Mental Health and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Our experience of social marketing has reinforced the importance of applying recognised academic theory to the scoping and evaluation stages of a social marketing campaign.  We provide a unique social marketing approach through our team that includes leading professionals within Psychology, Mental Health and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.  This ensures that our campaigns deliver significant levels of behavioural change and the results that our clients require.

For more information please contact inspired@perfect-circle.co.uk

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