3 Behaviour Change Trends for 2020

Posted by Marketing & PR on 6 Jan 2020

3 Behaviour Change Trends for 2020

According to YouGov, 25% of people in the UK will make a New Year’s resolution, or in other terms a commitment to change a behaviour that could have a positive impact on their life. Among the most popular resolutions are to get fitter, eat healthier, quit smoking or reduce the amount of alcohol they consume.

Which is why it will come as no surprise that two of the most popular behaviour change campaigns, Veganuary and Dry January, take place at the beginning of the year.

Veganuary encourages people to go vegan for the month of January as a way to promote and educate about a vegan lifestyle.

“In 2019, 47% of the 250,310 participants said they would continue with a vegan diet after Veganuary.”

Dry January is the UK’s one-month booze-free challenge that helps millions reset their relationship with alcohol every year. In 2019, 65% of participants reported that their health had improved and 70% had better sleep.

These two campaigns are very popular and successful and a lot can be learned from them when implementing your behaviour change campaign. In fact, there are 3 key behaviour change trends for 2020 that can improve results and help ensure your behaviour change campaign is successful.

Engage participants as advocates

People often recognise the need for change but having the motivation to make the change can be a hard task. Identifying people from your target audience who have successfully changed their behaviours and engaging them as advocates for your campaign can significantly improve results.

By working in partnership with these people you can apply their experience to help you inform, design, plan and fine-tune your campaign. One of the best ways to implement this is through testimonials.

Hearing a first-hand account of how an individual changed their behaviours and the results they achieved is often a big driver to inspiring and motivating people to make a change.

Use Marketing Automation to identify behaviours

Advancements in technology such as Marketing Automation can help you identify your audience’s behaviours. Marketing Automation technology can help you understand which areas your audience are most interested in and where they are in the journey to make a positive change to their behaviours.

Armed with this information you can then send individuals relevant content that is based on their interests and therefore more likely to resonate with them, leading to a more engaged audience. Engaging your audience is one of the most important factors for ensuring your behaviour change campaign is successful.

Marketing Automation can help make sure they feel supported by ensuring they receive the right messages of encouragement at the right time. You can send participants useful content such as emails that contain success stories, information about the health benefits of their change or tips to help them adapt to their new lifestyle.

Keep your audience on track with AI

Utilising Artificial Intelligence as part of your behaviour change campaign can help you keep your audience on track with their behaviour change and can also help detect the signs and signals that they are struggling or may be about to fall off track.

Being able to detect these signals enables you to deliver further behaviour change interventions that can help keep individuals on track. The AI model can learn what the best signs and signals are and learn what interventions are best applied for that type of person in that type of situation.

Adopting AI can help you take personalised nudges and messages of encouragement to a new level to help ensure a successful behaviour change campaign.

Our Expertise

We are passionate about developing relevant approaches that bring about positive behavioural change – on a small scale, big scale, immediately, over time - not possibly, but definitely!

Whether we’re encouraging improving patient communication and outcomes in healthcare, promoting positive lifestyles by discouraging people from smoking in favour of taking more regular exercise, our approach identifies the best way of marketing ideas and initiatives such as Marketing Automation to bring about positive lifestyle change.

Within our team, we have leading nationally recognised academic professionals within Psychology, Mental Health and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that advise what messages and mediums will deliver the best response when we scope out a communications campaign or deliver any targeted communications.

This provides our clients with the reassurance and confidence of knowing that their communication objectives are underpinned by recognised academic behavioural theory, executed with award-winning creative design and using the latest Marketing Automation communication tools, whether it’s on a local, regional or national project.

If you’d like our help on your next Behaviour Change Marketing or Social Marketing campaign, then we’d love to hear from you. Please visit our contact page and get in touch.

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