


What do social marketing agencies charge?

That’s an interesting question, and very important if you are to seriously consider if social marketing is a viable option.  Pricing structures can be confusing As with most things in the creative marketing world, prices vary from agency to agency, and depend on location, expectations, scope of the...
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Can social marketing deliver behaviour change in just 12 months?

Some people struggle with social marketing definition.  In simple terms, social marketing is a framework for delivering positive behavioural change across the UK.  With successes in the healthcare industry, education, sports and leisure markets and local government, it’s an extremely powerful marketing technique that improves lives, tackles...
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Can I use video as part of my social marketing campaign?

According to the latest research, we prefer to consume video content – on the go, at home, at the office – everywhere and anywhere.  Video is easy to watch and very entertaining.  So why do so many of us prefer video, and can it play a useful part in delivering...
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Does a successful social marketing campaign just come down to price?

Money doesn’t grow on trees – that’s a shame.  But things do have a price and it’s down to each individual to make their own choices when it comes to buying services and products.  Too many businesses focus on buying the least expensive option Purchasing decisions...
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Where can I get advice about social marketing that changes behaviours?

Social marketing is not new – it’s provides a framework that’s been actively used for some years now that is starting to enjoy widespread use across education, healthcare and sports industries. Social marketing projects target specific behaviours (good and bad) and attempt to influence it.  But it’s...
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What are behavioural insights?

Behavioural insights are part of a social marketing approach, used to generate policies and behavioural change campaigns that are smarter, simpler and highly effective. We are all different and unique In an ideal world, we would all behave in exactly the same way – we’d all make logical decisions particularly...
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How can I deliver social marketing campaigns on a budget?

Social marketing has enjoyed widespread success over the past decade. Widely adopted by the healthcare sector, education, business2business, sports clubs and other industries, it focuses on changing specific behaviours, over a sustained period. So it’s all good news, but how do you go about delivering a high impact,...
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What is an example of a behavioural intervention in men’s health?

Social marketing campaigns are being used across different industries to create behavioural change in ‘at risk’ groups. The healthcare sector in many respects has taken the lead in an attempt to influence specific health behaviours, resulting in better health, improved outcomes, and less need for medical intervention down the line. ...
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Are football clubs using the social marketing approach?

Behavioural change marketing is now being used by Premier & League football clubs across the UK to help deliver positive social programmes that encourage young people, supporters and fans to aim high, pursue their dreams and be the best they can be.  From simple education campaigns, to funded employability...
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How can I measure the success of my social marketing campaigns?

In a previous blog you may have read about the Total Process Planning Model.  Any social marketing intervention or programme requires definition of the scope, implementation, planning, review and follow-up methods, if anything is to be gained from it. Analysis and follow-up are important tasks Social marketing campaigns can...
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